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2004-07-24 10:10 p.m.

wearing Pajamaaaas
listening to brittany is talking to her g-ma
watching no

In Arizona with Brittany.

It's exactly how I expected Arizona to be. Lot's of brown, gravel, sand, heat. So far I like it.

Today we went on a plane. Twas fun. I got really clammy and scared during take off and landing though. And there was a crapload of turbulance. So I threw in my AFI cd to make me feel better. it worked, and the bumpyness stopped.

Then we ate lunch at a Jack In The Box (Brittany loves their tacos) and came to her grandparents house. We unpacked, did some computerly things, and then were being very typical teenage-girl-like. Picking out what we wanted to wear, asking each other if it looked good, washing our faces together, taking forever to get ready, blah blah blah.

We went to some blues concert thing. Me, Brittany, and her grandma went into stores that were super expensive. I saw lots that I liked, but I wasn't about to spend $50 on one skirt.

That was my day.

Yay vacation!

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bye bye diaryland - 2004-09-04
Gir - 2004-08-05
Arizona - End of Day 12 - 2004-08-04
AZ - 2004-07-24
Curtosy of eliza's freinds page - 2004-07-05